Restaurant Kitchen Doors For Sale.
The Pro Tuff Series Door. (red one)
Perfect for people and light push cart traffic.
Lightweight easy swinging with 7 colors to choose from.
The Pro Tuff door is made to order by color and size.
Normally shipping in 2-3 weeks from our factory in Arizona.
Stainless Steel Restaurant Kitchen Doors:
Lightweight 16 gauge single ply with diamond shape sides.
Seen here with kick plates for foot and push cart traffic.
Note: Stainless steel doors are in stock.
Normally shipping out in 2-3 days from Costa Mesa Ca.
These are both easy to install doors.
The hinges mount to either the left or right wall side.
For Restaurant Door Questions Or To Order A Door:
Call Toll Free At 1-877-768-0722.
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